Art Prompts to help address Anxiety

Art prompts to help deal with anxiety 

Mixed ages and abilities, adapt as necessary.


1) Draw your safe place, use color and design.


2) Pinpointing anxiety inside a body outline. Draw a body outline, fill in the parts of the body that feel anxiety, what is the color, shape form of anxiety?  


3) Thought in a box.  Draw a box and place the thing you want to let go of in the box. Imagine yourself freeing yourself from these unwanted thoughts.


4) Draw frustration, what does it look like and feel like?  Share your drawing with a friend or family member or therapist.


5) Measuring anxiety on a scale, like a 1-10 scale or a thermometer, how would you rate your anxiety today?  


6) Stress monster- Draw or use collage images to make a stress monster and draw yourself defeating it, what do you need to defeat it, what tools, coping skills do you need?  


7) Mood forecast, draw a weather forecast that represents your mood, cloudy, sunny, stormy?  


Art Therapy Prompts for Kids and Teens


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