Heart-Centered Creative Arts Therapies
Our Services
Individual Services
We offer Counseling, Art Therapy, and Music Therapy. Individual sessions are usually 45 to 60 minutes in length to address the individual's needs and treatment goals. We can also provide art or music lessons for individuals with physical and/or cognitive disabilities. These services are held either in our office space, or in the individual's home, day program, or school.
Group Services
We offer personalized sessions (from 30-60 minutes) to address the group's needs and treatment goals.
Additionally we have and will participate in community open studios and workshops. We can host these events or hold workshops at your facilities.
Partnerships & contracting
We contract with community agencies such as day programs, nursing homes, mental health facilities, after school programs, etc. to offer individual and/or group therapy to clients/residents.

Healing Heart, Mind
Louisville Expressive Therapies has been proudly serving the needs of the Louisville community since 2009!
From its founding by three friends, Theresa Adamchik (Art Therapist), Emily Ibershoff & Julia Purcell (Music Therapists), LET continued its mission and expanded to include counseling services. Since its beginnings, Louisville Expressive Therapies has grown to include additional certified and credentialed personnel and continues to build strong professional relationships with other therapeutic institutions, businesses, and Expressive Arts facilitators.
Not accepting applicants for our Music Therapy Internship at this time
This internship is supervised by Emily Ibershoff MT-BC, LPCC. Emily has over ten years experience working with clients of all ages with with a variety of diagnoses and challenges. She works from a person-centered, psychodynamic approach which focuses on establishing a supportive therapist-client relationship and building upon a client's strengths to accomplish client-directed goals. Emily specializes in combining counseling and music therapy and working with individuals with psychiatric diagnoses, as well as individuals in recovery from addiction/substance abuse.
Louisville Expressive Therapies has been in operation for fifteen years and provides expressive therapy services (art and music) to facilities and individuals in the greater Louisville area. We travel to homes, day programs, nursing homes, schools, etc. to provide group and individual services, as well as see individuals. If you are selected for this internship, you may have the option of co-treating/training under art therapists as well as music therapists. Some of the populations you may work with are the following: geriatric (nursing homes, hospice), mental health/psych, cognitive and physical disabilities (individual clients, adult day programs, etc.), and substance abuse (28 day recovery programs, detox units).